Post-Party Cleaning Tips

post-party-cleaning-tipsAt the end of a party, after all your guests have gone home and you’re finally ready to relax after an exhilarating evening, it’s important that you take care of any after-party clean-up. Simply clearing away after your guests will not be enough. You’ll want to do some deep cleaning in order for your house to look its best when people come over next time.

While your best option is always to call on your trusted local house cleaning pros in Charleston, there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a go yourself. If you’ve got enough energy left after a party, that is. Luckily, there are many after-party cleaning tips that can help make this process more manageable.

How do I clean my house after a party?

Party cleaning is a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Here are some tips that will help you tackle post-party cleaning with ease and make your home shine like new.

Before the party

The day before the party, do all the pre-party preparation. The last thing you want is too much chaos on the actual night. This means you should pack up any outdoor furniture (or at least move it out of view), secure your garbage cans, take out any yard tools that might be lying around (you don’t want guests accidentally getting cut by rakes or shovels), finish cooking whatever items can be made ahead of time, and clear out anything you don’t want your guests to see.

During the party

If possible, designate a friend or family member as your party host. You can appoint yourself if you’re feeling up to the task. Your main role will be to check in with guests throughout the night and offer them drinks and snacks. This way, you’ll have fewer dishes to deal with later on! Plus, people are more likely to leave once they’ve had their fill of food and drink. If it’s not too busy where you are in the house, try putting away any stray items that might make guests feel uncomfortable. Remember, they don’t know where anything is supposed to go.

After the party

Once all the guests depart, take one last walk-through to make sure that everything is back in its place, then kick up your feet and enjoy the rest of your evening!

The day after the party

Time to clean. First, pick up any large items (empty flower pots, barbecue tools) strewn about outside before they get too cold or wet. Take out all the garbage and load the dishwasher.

Then, clear all surfaces such as tables and countertops where guests might have left dirty glasses, plates, utensils, etc. It’s important that you disinfect these areas, along with anything else that got really grimy (like doorknobs). Finally, give any other surfaces (like floors) a good scrub.

Perfectionists only: Have extra time? Take it slow! Don’t worry about missing out on more fun; instead, enjoy the satisfaction that comes with having done everything you can to make your home sparkle once again. You’ve earned it!

Where can I find the best house cleaning pros in Charleston & the vicinity?

Winter is the perfect time to clean, especially when you know there are tasks you need to do only once a year. However, returning your home to perfect shape after the holidays can be extremely challenging. There’s no reason to live in a messy home when Castle Keepers are just a phone call away.

Make it your new year’s resolution and book our top-rated cleaning experts to take care of all the work. Enjoy a stroll at Folly Beach while our team makes your home spotless

Schedule our services now, and cleaning will no longer be your concern!

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